Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Art Analysis # 4 Expressive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art Analysis # 4 Expressive - Essay Example This is a comic painting that is in contrast with the late Pollock or the tragic vision of the Rothko, it would miss a point if seen as being figurative. Nonetheless, it creates new areas of erotic everyday life to the abstract art. The painting is an abstract that does not exists; it is the woman that only exists on the mind of the painter (Mark and Annalyn 42). Moreover, the fabulation of brushwork and color, with the pushed, splattered, realized paint telling unequivocally that which is furiously sexual. Regardless of the fierce heterosexuality that exists in the painting of Woman I, the artists who have followed de Kooning into the new space between real world and abstraction dealt in the sexual ambiguity. Indeed, closer to the de Kooning’s cartoon painting are the Oldenburg’s fantasies of the mass produced consumables sexualized and inflated. Indeed, the exaggerations made on the woman including the giant lipstick are simply a portrayal of the emotional and romantic state of the painter’s mind (Mark and Annalyn 51). In a nutshell, the painting is an abstract that only portrays the emotional state of mind of the painter. It shows that woman the painter fantasizes off during the painting period. It is therefore not a real life painting but rather an

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gender Essay Example for Free

Gender Essay For most of its history, western political theory has ignored women. Women have seldom appeared in its analyses of who should have power, when it finally decided to notice women it usually defended their exclusion from public affairs and their confinement to the home; only rarely have women been seen as political animals worthy of serious consideration. The inequalities that exist between men and women are seen as of little practical importance and theoretical interest. Feminist political theory however, sees women’s situation as central to political analysis, its focuses on why in most societies men appear to have more power and privilege than women and how can this be changed. The term feminist came into use during the 1880’s, indicating support for women’s equal legal, economic, social and political rights with men. (Bryson, 2003) Feminism reflects the varied needs and perceptions of women in different societies and situations. Feminists argue that all women have the right to education, employment, political participation and full legal equality. Although strongly opposed in the past, they are largely accepted in the west today. However, women still remain disadvantaged despite gaining legal rights. (Bryson, 2003) All feminist do not think alike. Depending on time, culture and country feminism around the world have sometimes had different causes and goals. The labels help mark the range of different approaches, perspectives and frameworks a variety have used to shape both their explanations for women’s oppression and their proposed solutions for its elimination. The three groups of feminist theories I will seek to analyse in order to assess their contributions against what is known about Caribbean women and their realities in this essay are Liberal, Radical and Black feminist perspectives. One thing we know about Caribbean women is that they have always worked. Women’s position in the Caribbean has been characterised by a dual work role, they engage in both household and extra household work, in order to provide for their families. Evidence has shown, that after slavery the tradition of female labour continued. Joycelin Massiah states that black women had no choice but to work, because the idea of man as the breadwinner was unrealistic and unattainable. Women were forced to take the major responsibility of their households because a large number of men had emigrated. Erna Brodber examined the role of women in some Caribbean countries. She states that despite the public image of womanhood which stressed on the abstention from physical work for elite woman, Caribbean women continued to seek work outside the household and support themselves. Brodber also states that images of white women portray them as â€Å"delicate† and â€Å"unassuming†, the black woman is portrayed as â€Å"hardworking to the point of being comical†. (Massiah, 1986) Work outside the household however did not free Caribbean women from their household responsibilities; these women still had to ensure their husbands were still taken care of. Men in the Caribbean societies felt that because of economic circumstances, females should be employed outside the home and should contribute to the expenses. They also believe that domestic duties should still remain the woman’s responsibility, even if she is employed. In the public domain, women defer widely to male authority and decision making, but in the domestic domain, she exercises power. (Massiah, 1986) Radical feminism claimed to go to the roots of women’s oppression, and it proclaimed itself as a theory of, by and for women; as such, it was based firmly in women’s own experiences and perceptions. Secondly, it saw the oppression of women as the most fundamental and universal form of domination, and its aim was to understand and develop strategies for the end of that oppression. Thirdly, women as a group had interests opposed to those of men; these interests united them in a common sisterhood that transcended the division of class and race, and meant that women should struggle together to achieve their own liberation. (Bryson, 2003) Radical feminism names all women as part of an oppressed group, stressing that no woman can walk down the street or even live in her home safely without fear of violation from men. French feminist Christine Delphy points out that like all oppressed people, many women do not like to accept that they are part of an oppressed group, developing various forms of denial in order to avoid identification. To the radical feminists, patriarchy is the oppressing structure of male domination. Radical feminism makes male control visible as it is exercised in every sphere of women’s lives, both public and private. It stresses that ‘emancipation’ or ‘equality’ on male terms is not enough. A total revolution of the social structures and the elimination of the processes of patriarchy are essential. (Rowland Klein, 1991) Patriarchy is the domination of men over women. Kate Millet’s early work (1971) is a good example of the approach that ‘sex is a status category with political implications’. Patriarchy, dominates over class, religion, race and culture. Patriarchy is a system of structures and institutions created by men in order to sustain and recreate male power and female subordination. Institutional structures like the law, religion, the family, have ideologies which perpetuate the naturally inferior position of women; socialisation processes to ensure that women and men develop behaviour and belief systems appropriate to the powerful or powerless group to which they belong. These structures are dominated by men who ensure that they maintain these positions. Within the private domain of the family, men have structured a system whereby woman’s reproductive capacity leaves her vulnerable and powerless, domestically exploited, and entrapped in economic dependence. (Rowland Klein, 1991) The family is maintained through the notion of romantic love between men and women, when in fact marriage contracts traditionally have an economic base. Women’s labour within the family, which has been unpaid and unacknowledged, is defined as ‘labour of love’. Women ‘by nature’ are said to be passive, submissive and willing to be led. Processes like socialisation of children encourage this situation to continue. Patriarchy has a material base in 2 senses. First, the economic systems are structured so that women have difficulty getting paid labour in society which values only paid labour and in which money is the currency of power. Women without economic independence cannot sustain themselves without a breadwinner. They cannot leave a brutal husband, cannot withdraw sexual, emotional and physical servicing from men, they cannot have equal say in decisions affecting their own lives. Radical feminists have therefore stressed the necessity for women to exercise economic power in their own lives. The second material base is the woman’s body. Women in marriage are seen to be ‘owned’ by their husbands and cannot bring a civil case of rape. Women’s bodies are advertised and pornography alike objectified and defined as ‘other’ and available for male use. Rowland Klein, 1991) Radical feminists sees the oppression of women as universal, crossing race and cultural boundaries, as well as those of class and other structures like age and physical ability. One of the basic tenets of radical feminism is that any woman in the world has more in common with any other woman regardless of class, race, age, ethnicity, nationality, than any woman has with any man. In Sisterhood is Global (1984) Robin Morgan draws together contributions from feminists in seventy countries, the majority of which are third world countries. She begins with a quote about the global position of women in the report to the UN Commission on the states of women. ‘While women represent half the global population and one third of the labour force, they receive one tenth of the world income and own less than one percent of the world’s property. They are also responsible for two thirds of all working hours’. In the developing world women are responsible for more than fifty percent of all food production. In the industrial nations women are still paid only half to three quarters of men’s wages. Most of the world are starving are women and children. Women in all countries bear the double burden of unpaid housework in association with any paid work they do. Radical feminists thus hold that women are oppressed primarily and in the first instance as women. But because of differences in their lives created by, for example culture and class, women experience oppression differently. (Rowland Klein, 1991) Black feminist theorising has made critical contributions to feminist epistemology. The theory comprises of a body of work by black feminist intellectuals reacting to the failure of existing feminist explanatory framework to adequately comprehend the realities of black women. Feminists like Sojourner Truth, Audre Lorde, Patricia Bell, Patricia Hill Collins as well as many others interrogated existing feminist theories and found them lacking, as they fully ignored or denied black women’s specific experiences. For instance Sojourner Truth’s powerful statement on racial inequalities ‘Ain’t I A Woman’ was a 19th Century deconstruction of the notion of a global, common womanhood and an insistence on inserting black womanhood in the concept of what it meant to be a woman. In her speech Truth argued that white women were placed on a pedestal and gave them certain privileges (mostly that of not working), this attitude was not extended to black women. Speaking of the U. S. A in the 1970’s Audre Lorde stated, â€Å"by and large, within the women’s movement today, white women focus upon their oppression as woman and ignore differences of race, sexual preference, class and age. (Barriteau, 2006) The work of black feminists reveals hierarchies of power within categories of race, class, gender, patriarchal relations, sexuality and sexual orientation. Black feminism demonstrates that white or other feminist theorising refuses or fails to recognise race as a social relation of domination within feminism and society. Radical, socialist and liberal feminist had examined other oppressive social relations but none had made race central to their analysis, black feminist theory exposes racism. They focus on difference in order to understand problems of oppression. Audre Lorde points out that white radical feminist Mary Daly images white women as Goddesses, with African women entering her analysis ‘only as victims and preyers upon each other’. Here Lorde exposes a key distortion that is similar to how early development discourses constructed women in the Caribbean. Women in the south, whether Caribbean, or African were seen as helpless victims in need of international development intervention. (Barriteau, 2006) This theory holds that the constructed invisibility if black women’s lives must be challenged. For example, much of the history of the West Indies was based on the activities of black men. Black feminist thinkers underline the importance of using lived experiences as a criterion for generating knowledge. Deborah King’s concept of multiple jeopardy or multiple consciousness shifted the conception of women’s oppression as confined within ethnic and racial boundaries. She was concerned with the invisibility of black women. She noted that class inequality compounded the problem of racism and sexism for black women and felt that class constituted a third jeopardy. She therefore defined multiple jeopardy as, a way to understand the ways in which various forms of oppression interact in ways that negatively affect the lives of black women. Much of feminist theory represents white ethnocentric feminist theorising and is therefore inadequate in not addressing the concerns of other women, especially black women. (Barriteau, 2006) Unlike radical feminism, black feminism goes on to demonstrate how racist relations follow black women into the private realm. Experiences of relations of oppression within households differ for black or minority women in a racist state. Central to black feminist theorising is the knowledge that patriarchal relations structure women’s lives very differently to their male peers. The ‘rule of the father’ enforces men’s power in the family and society. In the Caribbean, men have assumed the role of patriarchs. Black feminist theory reveals that there are other dimensions to black women’s experiences of the home that are not captured by other feminist theories, especially for those black women who for centuries have been obliged to work outside the home, whether in fields, factories or the homes of others. Many of these women instead of longing to be liberated from the home, they yearn for the opportunity to go home or stay at home. Hazel Carby noted that ideologies of black female domesticity and motherhood have been constructed through black women’s employment in chattel positions as domestic workers and surrogate mothers to white families rather than in relation to their own families. (Barriteau, 2006) In terms of sexuality, black women have been stereotyped as having wild and uncontrollable sexual urges. Black women were presented as either whorish or unsexed; they were either nanny or jezebel. Evelyn Hammond has argued that black women’s sexuality is constructed in opposition to that of white women. In the struggle for sexual liberation, many white women demanded reproductive technologies in order to say yes to sex, while black women wanted autonomy and freedom from a racist and intrusive state in order to say no. (Barriteau, 2006) Criticisms of black feminist theory are that sometimes there is the impression that all oppressions are equal, and it has been critiqued for assuming that black women have a superior standpoint in the world. There is also a sense in which persons of African descent are privileged in black feminist thought. (Bryson, 2003) The final theory I will analyse is the liberal feminist theory. Liberalism is based on the principle of individual liberty, in which every person should be allowed to exercise freedom of choice. Each individual should be given equal opportunities and civil rights, but that was conceived of as a privilege that should extend to European men. When it comes to state interventions in the private sphere, liberals agree that the less we see of Big brother in our homes the better. (Tong, 2009) Liberal feminist Mary Wollstonecraft has been very influential in her writing, ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’. She wrote at a time when the economic and social position of European women was in decline. These women were left at home with little productive work to do, and they were married to relatively wealthy professional men. These women had no incentive to work outside the home or, if they had several servants inside it. (Tong, 2009) Middle class ladies were, in Wollstonecraft’s estimation, ‘kept’ women who sacrificed health, liberty and virtue for whatever prestige, pleasure and power their husbands could provide. She denied that women are, by nature, more pleasure seeking and pleasure giving than men. She reasoned that if men were confined to the same cages that trap women, men would develop the same flawed characters. She stated that women lacked the power of reason because they were encouraged to indulge themselves and please others. She believed that women should have the same access to education as men. She believed that women should experience full personhood. Other liberalists John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill believed women needed suffrage in order to become men’s equals. They claimed the vote gave people the power to express their own political views but also change those systems, structures, and attitudes that contribute to their own and others oppression. (Tong, 2009) Betty Friedan in the Feminist Mystique, studies the lives of white middle class housewives living in the suburbs. She described the dissatisfaction of these women as the problem with no name. She claimed that these women led unfulfilling lives in their traditional roles as mother and wives. She argued that a more meaningful course for these women was to have the opportunity of full time work in the public sphere. She believed that the absence from the home would make children and husbands more self sufficient. She felt that by limiting women to being wives and mothers was limiting their full human development. She also believed that women would always have to work harder than men. (Bryson, 2003) The main critique of liberal feminism is that of racism and classism, they focused primarily on white, middle class women. They also privileged so called male values. They also continue to distinguish between the private and public lives of people without understanding that the private and public sphere often intersect. In conclusion, feminist epistemology has transformed the world for many Caribbean women, as it questions women’s lived experiences and their roles in identity formation. Caribbean women in their roles have mostly preached a strong work ethic and promoted a strong social identity. The Caribbean has a legacy of race and colonial legacies, therefore the experiences and history of Caribbean women has been different. Unlike some the white middle class women in European societies that the liberal feminist talk about, Caribbean women have always had to work and frequently they have been the principal breadwinners in their households. But because of all the earlier groups of feminist theories about women, it paved a way for the new knowledge about Caribbean women and their realities.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Real Estate Accounting: New Regulations Essay -- The Financial Crisis

The level of agony for individuals and businesses continues to rise as they experience losses in the value of their real estate holdings. In some circumstances, the fair market value of their property has fallen below the loan or mortgage amount. As a result, many debtors decide to walk away from the loan, resulting in repossession of the property by the lender. As shown in Appendix A the default rates continue to rise (United States), affecting accounting issues such as, revenue recognition, measurement, fair value, and impairment. The reporting of long-term debt is one of the most controversial areas in financial reporting† (Kieso, 709). This is because long-term debt such as, loans for real estate investments, has a significant impact on a company’s cash flows. A company’s cash flows are affected by long-term debt as gains and losses are reported through an equity account, such as â€Å"Other Comprehensive Income† (Investments). Cash flows are also impacted by reporting the permanent impairment of an asset as a realized loss through earnings and regulatory capital. Individuals and institutions involved in the current credit crisis include: the United States Congress, the Federal Reserve Board, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), credit agencies, banks, mortgage brokers and consumers (Carey, 2). The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is focusing on the uprising problems in dealing with the reporting of real estate holdings. Within the housing market, a home buyer (debtor) must go first to a financial institution or mortgage broker (originator) who will approve and make mortgage loans. Next, the originator may choose to s... ...d a company’s continuing involvement in transferred financial assets. Also, Statement 167 requires companies to provide additional disclosures concerning involvement interest entities, allowing significant changes in risk exposure to be reported. The new accounting rules will regulate the real estate market. However, the adjustments to business practices and the respected capital levels will prevail over time. The accounting issues resolving the real estate market will always exist. Accounting regulations are constantly updated to accommodate with the constant change in the economy. FASB along with the SEC will provide updated accounting rules that will affect the lender and the debtor. Whether the new regulations in accounting issues are treated fairly among all parties that are involved; they will have to be carried out in all interrelated transactions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What Is Time?

Since the very beginning of the human history and up to the present times, the question of time has been a matter of the major philosophical and mathematical concern. Where scientists sought to establish the single and universal definition of time as applied to astronomical and geometrical linear concepts, philosophers tried to reconsider the relevance of time through the prism of its relativity, instability, and its relation to eternity. Given the continuous evasiveness of time and its never-stopping nature, it is difficult to deny that the concept of time comprises numerous features that are not always readily visible to researchers. Simultaneously, our growing dependence on time turns the latter into the critical component of our daily functioning. In reality, and taking into account numerous ideas about time, time is an intangible category which in our world is directly associated with the movement of space bodies around the earth, and which also exemplifies a relative measure of events. Really, the whole history of mankind is associated with the continuous search for the single and universal definition of time. For years and centuries hundreds of scientists, archeologists, anthropologists, philosophers, and religious adherents sought to create a clearer vision of time. In the light of its evasiveness, and given the intangible nature of time, it was more and more difficult for humans to come to a simple and common agreement with regard to the definition of time. Now, as we find ourselves more and more dependent on time, we also find it more and more difficult to determine, what it is that we see through the clocks, alarms, and calendars. It would be fair to say that â€Å"time is represented through change, such as the circular motion of the moon around the earth. The passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space† (Science Daily), but is it enough to say that time is nothing more but the motion of celestial bodies around the earth? Certainly, the concept of time extends far beyond the boundaries of space consciousness, and while individuals try to determine what time is, a whole set of considerations and criteria needs to be taken into account. Historical and philosophic wisdom may help clarify the major time controversies. To begin with, it is in the dialogue between Plato and Timaeus that we first encounter the growing ancient interest toward time. â€Å"He thought of making a certain movable image of eternity, and, at once with ordering heaven, he made an eternal image going according to number, that which we have named Time† (Reichenbach 43). Here, the definition of time comprises both physical and metaphysical understanding of continuous motion, and also confirms the cosmological nature of time on our planet. For Plato, the concept of time is nothing else but a unique combination of eternity and change. This uniqueness is justified by the growing confidence that time, on the one hand, exemplifies stability and a measure of everything, and on the other hand, works as a never-stopping evasive machine. Nevertheless, it is with Plato that scientists and philosophers have gradually come to realize the importance and role of space bodies in designing the vision of time and its relativity. It is with Plato that we view space bodies as the major divisions of circular time. Space bodies link the concept of time to the concept of motion. Through the dialogue between Plato and Timaeus we see stars and other planets as indicators of intangible time; ultimately, it is space that is associated both with eternity and continuous motion. Does that mean that time is a purely philosophical concept and has nothing to do with specific mathematical sciences? In reality, scientists in general, and physicists in particular truly believe that they can scientifically justify and ground the concept of time. Although the scientific side of time is still unclear, it is obvious that researchers and scholars in science will further use their mathematical and mechanical knowledge to develop new time theories. Einstein is well-known for his works about relativity and time, but before Einstein, Galileo and Isaac Barrow also tried to produce a single definition of time. For Barrow, â€Å"time denotes not an actual existence but a certain capacity or possibility for a continuity of existence; just as space denotes a capacity for intervening length. Time does not imply motion, as far as its absolute and intrinsic nature is concerned; [†¦] time implies motion to be measurable; without motion we do not perceive the passage of Time† (Whitrow, Fraser & Soulsby 76). Barrow identifies Time with slow and steady motion, but he concludes that it is impossible to define Time without linking it to the steady and continuous motion of stars, the Moon, and the Sun (Whitrow, Fraser & Soulsby 76). As a result, the motion of celestial bodies can looks like the common thread between different definitions of time. Certainly, Barrow was not unique in his desire to link time to space shifts, but he was one of the first to recognize time as a mathematical concept. For Barrow as well as for his followers, Time was a linear mathematical function. It was associated with a circular line. Barrow viewed time as the concept independent of everything else, and as the concept that flew regardless of economic, social, and environmental changes. However, Barrow was not the only one trying to discuss time from scientific viewpoint. Numerous scientific theories have been developed to prove or deny the relevance of different time definitions. For example, Newton viewed time not as motion but as a universal instrument of measurement; according to his theory, time was not a relative but an absolute category (Brann 49). His ideas were later rejected by Leibniz, who was confident that Time was nothing else but a predetermined sequence of events; for Leibniz, events were the fundamental components of Time (Brann 56). In the variety of visions and ideas, none of them could become the basis for creating an objective theory of time. Time was always surrounded by a realm of myths and subjective opinions that lacked comprehensibility. It was not before Einstein that all previous assumptions have been reduced to nonsense, and it was not before Einstein that a completely new philosophy of Time has been developed. â€Å"It might appear possible to overcome all the difficulties attending the definition of ‘time’ by substituting the position of the small hand of my watch for ‘time’† (Brann 80; Seeman 104). Why watch? The truth is that it is virtually impossible to avoid subjectivity and relativity, when determining Time by watch. Also, it is impossible to guarantee synchronicity of all clocks and watches on the planet. The choice of the watch as the instrument of Time is not accidental, as far as it exemplifies the dramatic differences in perceptions, which individuals hold with regard to Time. Einstein’s beliefs about time are rooted in earlier theories, which linked time to the motion of bodies in space. Simultaneously, Einstein was the first to link Time to the speed of light and the notion of simultaneity. Where the movement of watch had to denote the process or the motion of space bodies, this very watch had to denote the simultaneity of things. In other words, through the prism of Time, each event had to be linked to each particular moment of Time, or to each particular position of the watch hands (Whitrow, Fraser & Soulsby 87). The use of the watch as the measure of time, however, was only possible for the events that took place in close proximity. Thus, linking the concept of time to the concept of watch was possible only for the events that took place at close proximity. In case of events that took place at different locations, the concept of the watch immediately lost its relevance. Does that mean that we cannot reconsider the concept of Time without tying it to the concept of the speed of light? Or does that mean that Einstein’s vision of Time is the most convenient and applicable of all Time theories? In reality, all time theories and assumptions are not without their fallacies. Time equally comprises rational and irrational features. From the rational perspective, time can be explained through the prism of space movements, or their sequence. Irrationally, time looks like a predetermined order of things, or their sequence that divides our lives into â€Å"before† and â€Å"after† and flows independently regardless of the major environmental or physical changes. In the light of numerous theories and assumptions with regard to time, it is impossible to limit the concept of time to rational or irrational considerations. Moreover, it is the balance of rational and irrational that may help create the single and the most relevant theory of time. Leibniz wrote that â€Å"Time is the order of existence of those things which are not simultaneous. Thus time is the universal order of changes when we do not take into consideration the particular kinds of change† (Seeman 77). Unfortunately, time is far from being universal but is still a measure of the order of changes, regardless of the nature of each particular change. From the differences and commonalities between philosophic and rational beliefs about Time, the latter comes out as the concept, which is closely tied to cosmology and the motion of celestial bodies around the earth, as well as the relative (and never absolute) measure of events and their sequences, with this relativity being integrally linked to the notion of light. Conclusion Over the course of the human history, dozens of philosophers and scientists sought to determine what Time is and what changes it produces on our vision of reality. Where philosophers held irrational beliefs about Time, scientists tried to link Time to mathematical concepts. Despite the differences, most of them viewed Time through the prism of cosmology and the motion of celestial bodies. Simultaneously, it was not before Einstein that Time ceased to be an absolute concept. As a result, through the major commonalities and differences in individual beliefs about Time, the latter stands out as a relative measure of events and their sequences, closely linked to the concept of cosmology and the motion of celestial bodies.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Airasia Weakness

Strength and weakness of AirAsia |strength |weakness | |Low cost operations. |Service resource is limited by lower costs. | |Fewer management levels, effective, focused and aggressive |Government interference and regulation on airport deals and | |management. |passenger compensation. | |Simple proven business model that consistently delivers that lowest | | |fares. | â€Å"Everybody Can Fly† was the famous tagline of AirAsia, AirAsia was able to fulfil their tagline AirAsia implement the low cost operations into their management. The operating fees were as low at the minimum wage. Low airport fees, for example at Kota Kinabalu International airport most people can see that the technology or systems that was being use by AirAsia was totally different compare to MAs.Other than that, AirAsia also using only one type of Airplane for every flight this is because AirAsia will only need the same engineers for every airplane in order to save the cost. In the management level, all the staff of AirAsia was the contributors where there are no ranks or hierarchy in the company where the upper management and their staff will be in the same room. However, all the staff was concern and focused to their customer needs such as offering the lower fares during festive season.AirAsia business model was also proven that they was able to offer the lowest fares, where in every year AirAsia was hold the highest ranking of demand from the customers, and each year also AirAsia was gain profit. Other than that, most of the sales of AirAsia were from online, online ticketing was introduced by AirAsia. AirAsia offered a simple product. The fares were not include the meals and if the customers request a meal then additional fee will be charge. Other than that, Airasia also does not offered a VIP seat.However, due to the lowest cost of operating by AirAsia the service resources is limited. Limited aircraft causes AirAsia was cannot prepare of standby aircraft if there is any problem in the operation. Due to the limited number of human resources it causes AirAsia could not handle irregular situation such as when there is high demand from customer they cannot fulfil each demand because there is no enough of workers, it causes some of the customer go to another airlines. Another weakness that AirAsia face is, government interference and regulation on airport deals and passenger compensation.If government announce that any flight from Malaysia to country that was having crisis, will affect AirAsia and any flight schedule will be delay until there is an announcement again from government. It is compulsory for each airlines to follow the government order. Other that, AirAsia also must follow each regulations that was been set up by the government and if there is any changes of the regulation AirAsia must changes they operation accordingly to the new regulation on the airport. AirAsia also was also must deal with the passenger compensation if there is any delay of fli ght and it will causes the passenger/customer facing loss.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prufrock in Progress Essay Example

Prufrock in Progress Essay Example Prufrock in Progress Essay Prufrock in Progress Essay 126). Videnov also analyzes the internal and external influences on J. Alfred Prufrock’s psyche. The internal conflict that J. Alfred Prufrock exhibits throughout his love song is evident in his lack of self-confidence that leads to a feeling of disconnection with the human population. On one hand, Prufrock expresses the desire to cultivate a relationship with the external world, or a lover; yet on the other hand, he lets his insecurities define him and refuses to let himself engage in relationships with other people. Videnov explains this by describing Prufrock’s quest, â€Å"a quest for belonging, the examination of which could yield the message of the poem and the ultimately optimistic idea of love, as the title suggests, lurking behind the apparently tragic finale,† (Videnov, Valentin A. , 126). This statement establishes the irony in the desire to fulfill a journey of love, yet the inevitable misery Prufrock lives. The psychoanalytical dynamic of the ego and the true self is brought through in Prufrock’s character. T. S. Eliot repeatedly uses the pronouns, â€Å"you and I,† to describe this relationship of the ego and true self that Prufrock experiences. In the interpretation of Human Voices in Silent Seas: A Reading on Eliot’s Love Song, Videnov declares that these two entities are both representative of J. Alfred Prufrock himself. â€Å"You† represents the public face of Alfred J. Prufrock, the ego; and â€Å"I† represents the true self, the self that wants to be expressed but is prevented by Prufrock’s fear and insecurity. The opposing characters within Prufrock are further extended through the symbols of afternoon and evening. The imagery of afternoon is a representation of the light, the desire to express, and the need for connection. The evening represents a darkness, or comfort in the habitual pattern of the introverted mind and it’s self-destructive thoughts. Prufrock expresses his mental state when he says, ‘the evening sleeps so peacefully. † (Gwynn 624) In saying this, Prufrock is confirming within himself his comfort in the thought pattern of darkness. This leads him to question, â€Å"Would it have been worthwhile? † (Gwynn 625), referring to the desired human connection he wants deep down. He truly believes that expression of the self and what he, as an individual has to say and share, are not going to be acc epted by others. Because of his fear of expression, the singer sings a song of love, but predominately and more ironically, a song of sadness. He has continued his pattern of introversion to such an extreme that he suffers from continual loneliness and disassociation. He proves this dissociation when he ends the poem with an insight of his fantasy world of mermaids where he retreats, when he is lonely. He looks upon the beautiful creatures in awe of their unifying world; yet won’t even allow himself to be happy in his fantasy. He states this saying, â€Å"I do not think that they will sing to me,† (Gwynn 625). This prevents him from dreaming himself to a healthy and loving relationship with himself, or anyone else. The lines â€Å"let us go† (Gwynn 622) used repeatedly are incredibly significant in this poem. Us† being the internal representation of the two conflicting sides that exist within Prufrock, as he yearns for release of this horrible cycle. What J. Alfred Prufrock does not understand is that every individual goes through this experience of questioning self worth. The underlying ironic theme of this poem is the relation of the reader to Prufrock himself. This is a cry of the main character to emerge from the inn er seclusion that he feels – a bonding of the afternoon and evening, the light and dark, inner and outer; a battle for the merging of duality to become a union. In â€Å"an overwhelming question† in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by Xue, the main question that J. Alfred Prufrock is consistently in conflict with is whether or not to reveal his true self. Prufrock’s dueling character is established through the language of the poem. The internal conflict of Prufrock is addressed through repetitive language. â€Å"Prufrock is trying to express some deeper philosophical insight or disillusionment with society, but fears rejection. † (Xue 79). This fear causes his misery. Prufrock’s character is dominated by his uncertainty. The repetition of the lines, â€Å"there will be time,† (Gwynn 622) pose irony in the poem. Prufrock is hopeful that he will be able to truly open up to the world in time, yet currently; he is perpetuating his cycle of loneliness by assuming that these desires will naturally unfold without regarded effort. Xue states this in saying, â€Å"The phrase ‘There will be time,’ repeated five times between lines 23 and 36, represents his hesitation and delay, in order to conceal his inner anxiety to the world,† (Xue 80). Essentially, Prufrock is only happy when he is alone with his thoughts because there are no external influences to judge him, yet this is also his cause of misery. Irony is also addressed in the â€Å"you and I† (Gwynn 621) characterization of Prufrock. Xue states the psychoanalytical interpretation of these pronouns, â€Å"In the poem, Prufrock is divided in two selves. One is persuading Prufrock to ask the ‘overwhelming question’, while the other is trying to prevent it,† (Xue 82). Prufrock’s soul really desires is the opposite of what it endures. At the root of his inability to express is his insecurity. Prufrock asks, â€Å"Do I dare Disturb the Universe? † (Gywnn 623) which is direct evidence that Prufrock has serious lack of self-confidence. J. Alfred directly articulates his anxiety about interaction by describing his unappealing physical attributes. He quivers in the thought, â€Å"With a bald spot in the middle of my hair- ‘They will say: ‘How his hair is growing thin! ’† (Gwynn 623). This statement is directly in connection with Prufrock’s physical insecurity, as well as his emotional insecurity because of his self-image. He uses this as an excuse for his anti-social behavior. He manifests this negative expression of self by bolding stating that if he were to share with another he would, â€Å"Die with a dying fall,† (Gywnn 623). This self-conscious attitude and fear of being mocked for this truth is the entire reason for J. Alfred Prufrock’s cyclical misery. He does not love himself; therefore, he cannot find or receive or the love of another. If he never learns to share his truth, he will never understand the beauty of human connection. The reality of how much Prufrock shares about himself is shown in the line, â€Å"To prepare to meet the faces that you meet; to murder to create,† (Gwynn 622). The real self or â€Å"I†, as Videnov described in Human Voices in Silent Seas, is lost or â€Å"murdered† in society to â€Å"create† a false self or alter ego that functions in society. Another line stating this ego-oriented society and repeating the symbol of darkness reads, â€Å"the evening spread out against the sky,† (Gwynn 622) which refers to the apparent darkness of all humans all hidden under the masks of ego. Yet, if J. Alfred Prufrock understands this is a battle of every individual, he would be able to relate. In conclusion, it is J. Alfred Prufrock’s choice to live in misery. If he were open to see himself as a mirror image of others he would realize that every individual has insecurities of their own. Therefore, I agree with scholars Videnov and Xue in the psychoanalytical approach to J. Alfred Prufrock battling with his own ego versus the exploration and expression of his true self. If he deemed himself worthy of external expression then he would finally be able to share in love with himself and in turn, the rest of humanity. Gwynn, R. S. Literature: A Pocket Anthology. 5th. New York: Pearson Education, Inc. , 2012. 21-625. Print. Videnov, Valentin A. Human Voices In Silent Seas: A Reading Of Eliots Love Song. Explicator 67. 2 (2009): 126-130. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. Sistani, Roohollah Reesi. Internal Anxieties And Conflicts In The LOVE SONG Of J. ALFRED PRUFROCK. European Journal Of Social Science 17. 4 (2010): 478-489. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. Xue, Haiqin. On An Overwhelming Question' In The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock. Canadian Social Science 5. 2 (2009): 79-82. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2012.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Implement OnCreate Event for Delphi TFrame Object

How to Implement OnCreate Event for Delphi TFrame Object TFrame is a container for components; it can be nested within forms or other frames. A frame, like a form, is a container for other components. Frames can be nested within forms or other frames, and they can be saved on the Component palette for easy reuse. Missing OnCreate Once you start using frames, youll note theres no OnCreate event you can use to initialize your frames. In short, the reason that a frame does not have a OnCreate event is there is no good time to fire the event. However, by overriding the Create method you can mimic the OnCreate event. After all, the OnCreate for Forms gets fired at the end of the Create constructor - so overriding Create for Frames is as having the OnCreate event. Heres the source code of a simple frame exposing a public property and overriding the Create constructor: unit WebNavigatorUnit;interface uses   Ã‚  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes,   Ã‚  Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type   Ã‚  TWebNavigatorFrame class(TFrame)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  urlEdit: TEdit;  Ã‚  private   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fURL: string;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  procedure SetURL(const Value: string) ;  Ã‚  public   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent) ; override;  Ã‚  published   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property URL : string read fURL write SetURL;  Ã‚  end;implementation{$R *.dfm} constructor TWebNavigatorFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent) ;begin   Ã‚  inherited Create(AOwner) ;   //OnCreate code   Ã‚  URL :; end;procedure TWebNavigatorFrame.SetURL(const Value: string) ;begin   Ã‚  fURL : Value;   Ã‚  urlEdit.Text : Value; end;end. The WebNavigatorFrame acts as a website launcher hosting an edit and a button control. Note: if you are new to frames, make sure you read the following two articles: visual component development using frames, replacing tabsheets with frames.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introducing the Tableau to Students

Introducing the Tableau to Students Making mental images is a strong skill that helps readers increase their understanding of a text that they read. Good readers are able to make a â€Å"mental movie† that plays in their minds as they read and visualize what the words on the page described. Tableau Drama Strategy One arts-integrated teaching strategy that drama teaching artists use to help students make mental images is Tableau. Tableau is the theatrical technique in which actors freeze in poses that create a picture of one important moment in the play. Sometimes, in the theatre, the curtain rises and all the actors onstage are frozen in poses that create a compelling stage picture. Then, on cue, the picture- the Tableau- â€Å"comes to life† with movement and sound. Stillness and silence are the hallmarks of Tableau, making it understandable as to why it appeals to teachers for classroom use. But to really get the most out of this drama strategy in conjunction with the reading of a story, novel, or play, student actors have to do a deeper reading, thinking, and rehearsing. They need to work like actors who explore the text and experiment with a variety of alternatives before they choose their final poses. They need to practice focus and commitment so that they pose with an expression on their faces and energy in their bodies. The best Tableaux show evidence of comprehension of text combined with strong acting skills. The best Tableaux go far beyond mere silence and stillness. Introducing Tableau to Students The following is one way to introduce the drama strategy Tableau to students and increase the likelihood that they will participate productively in frozen, silent, concentrated posing. Whole Group Tableau Begin by engaging all students simultaneously in agreeing to pretend to be in a situation in which they will take responsibility for creating their roles. With students seated at their desks or in chairs, describe a particular fictional circumstance and setting (preferably a dramatic one) that they might find themselves in.Example: Would you agree to pretend that the setting for our drama is the schoolyard and while we are out there, we sight an alien spaceship?Discuss with students the possible feelings and reactions of people having this experience: If this really, truly was happening, think about how you would feel. Raise your hand if you can give me one adjective to describe how you would feel.Point out to students that the kind of thinking they are doing is precisely the kind of thinking that actors have to do. They must imagine that they are in a particular pretend situation and then figure out how their characters would likely react.Then ask the students to agree to pretend that a photographer snaps a photo of them in that circumstance: Would you now also agree to pretend that a photographer just happened to be there and took a photo the moment you spotted that alien spaceship? Explain how you will cue the students to strike and hold their poses: â€Å"I will say ‘Action  - 2 - 3 -  Freeze!’  You freeze in your pose and hold it until I say ‘Relax.’†(Note: Eventually, you all will want to improve this first Tableau by allowing students to leave the confines of their seats, but for now, do not give them permission to do so unless one of them asks specifically.)Once you feel that the students are ready, cue them with â€Å"Action  - 2 - 3 -  Freeze!†View the Tableau and then call â€Å"Relax.† Discuss the Whole Group Tableau In that first draft of the Tableau, the students usually participate well, but they usually remain seated. Compliment them for their cooperation. But, just like actors who rehearse and rehearse their scenes, students need to work now on increasing the dramatic value of the Tableau: Remind students what photographers may do to people in their photographs who do not look too interesting- crop them out.Then coach the students dramatically. Explain (and demonstrate) how they can create a more interesting stage picture by......putting more energy into their bodies and more expression in their faces....incorporating levels- posing close to the floor, mid-level, or reaching higher....interacting with one another to increase the dramatic effect of the Tableau.Invite the students to incorporate your dramatic coaching points and re-create the Tableau so that it is theatrically more powerful.Share the following list of Tableau Excellence with students. (Reproduce it on a chart or on a whiteboard or chalkboard.) Tableau ExcellenceActors......remain still or frozen....remain silent....pose with energy....pose with expression....keep their concentration....pose at different levels....choose poses that communicate the tone and mood of the text. Revise the Whole Group Tableau Once you feel that the students are ready to revise the same Tableau, cue them with â€Å"Action  - 2 - 3 -  Freeze!†View the Tableau and then call â€Å"Relax.† (The second draft is always much stronger than the first draft.) Reflect on the Whole Group Tableau Refer back to the chart on Tableau Excellence and ask students to reflect on the effectiveness of their second Tableau. They can always recognize the big differences between the first one and the second one that received theatrical coaching. This introductory Tableau activity prepares students to use this drama strategy with significant moments in the literature that they read and the historical episodes that they study. It provides them with a foundation for using Tableau productively in small groups. Whole Group Tableau Possibilities People sighting an alien spaceshipReporters and photographers who sight a big celebrityFans- both happy and angry- at a sporting eventTourists looking at a famous sitePeople watching fireworks

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Essay and short questions about western civilization - 1

And short questions about western civilization - Essay Example The high level of organized governance that is the major feature of the western civilization can for example be traced to the Greek civilization whose governance was based on political aspects. This politics developed to form an essential foundation of the western democratic based governance systems. The same effect emanated from the ancient Roman civilization. Intellectual capacity into development of technology is another aspect of the early civilization that formed foundations of western civilization. Observed, for example in the Greek civilization, intellectual potentials in conjunction with artistic abilities was the foundation of crude technologies that have been refined and modified for application in the western civilization’ high level of technological applications. Examples are the instruments that facilitated agrarian revolution. Specialization and division of labor are other characteristics of the western civilization that developed from crude concepts of ancient civilizations. The Egyptians’ civilization for instance observed specialization in roles by gender that designed specific roles to females and males. Though western civilization does not rely on gender, it has established specialization and division of labor based on individuals’ capacities and needs in work environments. The western civilization is therefore an evolution from the ancient civilizations. It incorporated characteristics of various ancient civilizations such as political governance, technology, and specialization, and refined them to higher levels of efficiency (Spielvogel, p. xiv). The early civilization developed because of advancements in agricultural practices. Its development majorly occurred between 3000 B.C. and 1000 B.C. along riverbanks with fertile soils. Examples are river Nile, river Euphrates, river Tigris, and river India (Spielvogel, p. 7). Alexander had outstanding military features. He was for example tactical and could effectively organize his

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Law - Essay Example If he paid then it was a promise in this circumstances, Watson can recover the extra cost of USD 5000 from Holmes more over for the delay he can recover the actual loss of rent depending on the time extra taken. 3) Misrepresentation as to quality and specification comes either under consumer law if the amplifier for personal use and under MRTP Act if used for public use so the recovery is depending on the decision of adopting the use if Eric keeps the amplifier, he is liable to pay for its market cost of 200$ then he can recover the money he paid extra and compensation for the damage. 4) No, the doctor is not liable to recover the $3000. He is hit by the principle of estopel. The law of Estoppels means that the 'agent' had no power at all to perform the principal is simply excluded from denying that authority existed. 5) Here we can see the ACT of god. Acme has defense of unforeseen government regulation. He can’t be sued for damages but Bob can recover the balance amount due if he already paid if not paid, Acme can’t really recover anything. 6) An oral agreement is enforceable unless its subject comes in the act of frauds, an English Law adopted in the US that needs certain contracts to be in writing. And also in US an agreement to sell real land, property or house to be enforceable, should be in writing to comply with the law. Here there is only a oral agreement between the two parties to the contact so if the Ernie sues for the damage Bert is not liable to pay the same. â€Å"An oral contract to sell Personal Property for an amount less than that set in the statute does not fall within its limits and, therefore, is enforceable without being reduced to writing. The Uniform Commercial Code governs the enforceability of oral contracts in sales transactions involving merchant† (Oral Contract para. 1). 7) In this case suit filed by the Floid for breach of contract is maintainable. And also the other party is liable pay the compensation. But t he same time suit filed by Goober is not maintainable. Because stranger to a contract cannot sue. 8) Yes, Crosby can sue Hope for the breach of contact. In this case there is a bilateral contract between the parties to the contact. That is between Hope and Crosby. Later Hope breaches the contact so the agreement such agreement is not enforceable by law. And also Hope is liable to pay for the damage. 9). If Ace brings suit against Flo such suit is maintainable under law. Here the contact is between Ace and Flo for the $8,000 for a car. But Flo gives a worthless check for that cash. If the suit is filed against Flo he is liable for the breach of contact. Ace is the third party and also the agreement between the Flo and Eb is different from the first agreement. 10). Here in this case there is a mutual agreement between Sam and Bob is for selling of sheet metal in monthly installments over a two year period, Payment is to be made within 10 days after each delivery. If the Bob is failure to give the payment for the already sold goods then he is liable to pay the same for the breach of agreement. Bob counterclaimed for damages arising out of Sam's failure to deliver the remaining installments under the contract is also maintainable because there is an agreement over a two year period. But after the period of 2 years Sam is not liable for the same. 11) Lucy is not liable to pay $16 to the Ethel. Here the actual terms of the agreement is for babysit for $4 for each half hour it does not including cleaning and ironing. 12) In this

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 55

Case Study Example This is because of the complicated legal, cultural and ethical challenges that come with the exclusive policies that China embodies as a nation. Ethics is a code of behavior that a particular society considers moral and appropriate for ensuring good relationships amongst them. Different counties have different laws and authorities that govern them and therefore, what seems right to a people of one nation may seem entirely wrong or even of criminal basis for the laws of the other nation. The PRC government considers Google as a major source of jeopardizing the security of the nation and divulging state security and promoting hatred among the people. According to the PRC, Google contributes to the spread of rumors as well as the promulgation of false news. Socially, the culture of the Chinese people felt disturbed by the actions of Google (Levy, 2011). Religion is an important factor in China and interfering with it creates the impression that one promotes evil cults. Legally speaking, the laws governing international business in the PRC are very tight. The control that the government has over businesses in the PRC is so enormous that freedom of operation is minimal. To work well with the government, some policies had to be set and Google Company had to follow them for successful business. The government has employed a number of methods to help control the online content and expression. This includes Website or IP address blocking and keyword filtering otherwise known as â€Å"The Great Firewall of China†. Under the policy of internet censorship, more than 2600 websites are currently under scrutiny in mainland China. These include Google+, YouTube, Facebook, Picasa, Word press, Dropbox and many others. Google therefore adhered to the PRC government policies and allowed Censorship. This included the removal several of its news sites from its news search engine in 2006. The PRC was of the idea that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rise in Corporate Debts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rise in Corporate Debts - Essay Example The continuous increase in corporate debt has direct impacts on the financial health of any given sector and by extension other sectors of an economy. Companies with large amounts of debts are susceptible during economic recessions because their debts cannot be reduced or paid back easily. As a result, such companies are forced to limit their investments significant to their going concern in the markets (Talley 1). This may also call for downsizing of its human resource causing inefficiency in operations in both the short and the long run. These actions would result in a diminished overall productivity of a company. Moreover, it would also contribute towards an economic downturn as capital goods orders reduce and laid-off workers cut back purchases. When heavily indebted companies succumb to the economic pressures, and the financial crisis persists, bankruptcy sets in. this leads to potentially large losses and costs to creditors, employees and all stakeholders. In addition, the article states that the likely cause of the increase in corporate debt is driven by weak balance sheets owned by several companies. In addition, weak levels of profitability have prompted firms to borrow in order to sustain their basic operations (Talley 1). According to research conducted by global banking group, the high-yield corporate issuances of loans in Europe increased by 50% as compared to the year 2012. Some of these loans were issued to riskiest terms in relation to their economic operations. These business organizations’ financial health can be measured using leverage, liquidity and their overall solvency. In these corporations, leverage is defined as the ration of a company’s debt to its long-run earnings capacity. Companies with high debt levels as compared to their ability to earn profitable are vulnerable to the global economic troubles. Liquidity refers to a business organization’s ability to clear its debt obligations relative t o their long-term profitability. Low liquidity in a firm leads to difficulties in meeting debt repayment obligations. Solvency indicates the corporate health status of a firm that includes capital, revenue, profitability, leverage and liquidity. These characteristics explain reasons for

Cross Cultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross Cultural Management - Essay Example Cultural intelligence was described by Creque & Gooden (2011, p. 143) as a set of skills, from fundamental to advanced, which allow a person to demonstrate effectiveness in transferring social skills from a particular cultural context to the another. Cultural intelligence is indeed critical in business especially for a manager dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. In international business, managers are called upon to relate with partners from different countries and therefore cultural intelligence is needed for good working relations and successful interaction among partners. In light of this, cultural intelligence would be an important to the manager of Global Alliance Company to work with the different cultural backgrounds and enhances their functioning within a particular setting. Culturally Intelligent Persons Triandis (2006, p. 20) outlines various things that an intelligent persons should do. He asserts that a culturally intelligent person should suspended j udgments until he acquires adequate information beyond the ethnicity of the other person given that personality attributes like idiocentrism-allocentrism have to be considered (Triandis, 2006, p. 20). A practical example to explain this is a situation in which during the first meeting with international business partners, they may have low negotiation skills and therefore want they point to be taken. However, it would be wrong to argue that people from his ethic group behave that way but it would be wise to try and explore the personality of the person. Failure to do this would negatively affect future relations with people from this group. Trandis (2006, p. 23) explains that an intelligent person seeks training to overcome ethnocentrism. He notes that an intelligent person seeks cognitive, behavioral and affective training. An example of training for a person involved in international business would be to seek from the internet the cultural behaviors of people with whom you anticip ate to interact with from available literature and the internet. The other aspect described by Triandis (2006, p. 24) of intelligent person is that they are able to tolerate different organizational attributes. An example of this is a person who is transferred to a new company where they have to report everything to the manager in the evening although at his previous posting each employee enjoyed autonomy. An intelligent person would be able to adapt to this changes. Although Triandis outlines the various things that an intelligent person should do, he fails to list tools for measuring cultural intelligence. The challenges in developing tools for measuring cultural intelligence is on whether the tools will be able to meet he quality standards in terms of reliability and validity (Tung & Verbeke, 2010, p. 1259). The other challenge is determining the most appropriate research questions in a given context (Tung & Verbeke, 2010, p. 1259). CQ as a Functional Tool Management of any given organization usually use various tools in order to achieve the set organization tools. However, not all tools achieve similar purpose because some of them fail to be functional. It is important to know if a tool works or not. One of the management tools that most organizations use is cultural intelligence (CQ). Ward and colleagues have attempted to explain CQ whereby they have come out critiquing it as a functional tool. They argue that, to date, CQ has

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rise in Corporate Debts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rise in Corporate Debts - Essay Example The continuous increase in corporate debt has direct impacts on the financial health of any given sector and by extension other sectors of an economy. Companies with large amounts of debts are susceptible during economic recessions because their debts cannot be reduced or paid back easily. As a result, such companies are forced to limit their investments significant to their going concern in the markets (Talley 1). This may also call for downsizing of its human resource causing inefficiency in operations in both the short and the long run. These actions would result in a diminished overall productivity of a company. Moreover, it would also contribute towards an economic downturn as capital goods orders reduce and laid-off workers cut back purchases. When heavily indebted companies succumb to the economic pressures, and the financial crisis persists, bankruptcy sets in. this leads to potentially large losses and costs to creditors, employees and all stakeholders. In addition, the article states that the likely cause of the increase in corporate debt is driven by weak balance sheets owned by several companies. In addition, weak levels of profitability have prompted firms to borrow in order to sustain their basic operations (Talley 1). According to research conducted by global banking group, the high-yield corporate issuances of loans in Europe increased by 50% as compared to the year 2012. Some of these loans were issued to riskiest terms in relation to their economic operations. These business organizations’ financial health can be measured using leverage, liquidity and their overall solvency. In these corporations, leverage is defined as the ration of a company’s debt to its long-run earnings capacity. Companies with high debt levels as compared to their ability to earn profitable are vulnerable to the global economic troubles. Liquidity refers to a business organization’s ability to clear its debt obligations relative t o their long-term profitability. Low liquidity in a firm leads to difficulties in meeting debt repayment obligations. Solvency indicates the corporate health status of a firm that includes capital, revenue, profitability, leverage and liquidity. These characteristics explain reasons for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fundamental Analysis of Hewlett Packard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Fundamental Analysis of Hewlett Packard - Essay Example Acknowledging the significance of the company in its relevant field, this report aims to provide a detailed analysis of the company. This report consists of two major parts. First part of this report encompasses the qualitative information about the company, which includes objective of the company, products manufactured by the company, its target market and competitive edge. The second part incorporates the financial analysis of the company, which includes evaluation of income statement, balance sheet, cash flows and ratio analysis for the past 3 years i.e. 2011, 2010, and 2009. Based upon these analyses, recommendations will be made for investors whether or not to invest in the company. For investor relations, qualitative information is equally important as quantitative information. It allows the investors to gain insights related to the objectives and prevailing operations of the company. Investors cannot take decisions just on the basis of numeric figures. The reason is that somet imes companies manipulate their numeric figures and overstate the figures of profitability. Therefore, qualitative analysis is also studied carefully in order to provide recommendation to investors. The more a company is inclined towards expansion, the more are the chances for it to provide profits to investors. Qualitative analysis of HP has been mentioned in the subsequent sections of this paper. 2.1 Objective of the Company The primary objective of the company is to serve the technology based needs of customers. The company’s major corporate objectives include: Customer Loyalty; HP earns customer loyalty and respect by consistently providing value and the best quality Growth; HP acknowledges and grabs opportunities for growth, which builds upon their competencies and strengths. Profit; the company generates sufficient profits to create value, finance growth and achieve its corporate objectives. Market Leadership; HP leads in market place by designing and delivering innovat ive and useful products, solutions and services. Commitment to Employees; HP shows commitment towards its employees by rewarding and promoting them, based on their performance and by creating an environment that reflects their values. Global Citizenship; HP claims to fulfill its responsibility to communities by being intellectual, economic and social to where they do business. Leadership Capability; The Company claims to develop leaders who achieve business results, lead to win and grow and exemplify company’s value (HP CORPORATE OBJECTIVES AND SHARED VALUES). 2.2 Products Manufactured There are huge varieties

Monday, October 14, 2019

The article by Joachim Wambsganss Essay Example for Free

The article by Joachim Wambsganss Essay The article by Joachim Wambsganss discusses the nature and functions of gravitational lenses that both help and challenge our understanding of the celestial bodies in the universe. As the author rightly puts it, the sky is filled with many mirages and mysteries to be explored. The gravitational lenses make the universe into a palace of glasses where one images reflects into multiple images creating an illusory effect. It is curious to know the nature and functions of these gravitational lenses that both help and defy our understanding of the universe. . Gravitational lensing is a budding and promising area of study in astronomy. It helps astronomers to study the dark matters in the universe. It is also useful to investigate the structure of quasars, black holes and find earth like planets around other stars. Â  Gravitational light deflection was identified and accepted, though not accurately. Einstein was doubtful about it though he predicted that a foreground star could magnify the image of a background star as a result of gravitational lensing. More optimistic was the Swiss-American astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky with his predictions on lensing effects of galaxies. At last the speculation came to an end in 1979 when astronomers actually saw evidence of lensing. Generally light that comes from a celestial body goes straight. But when there is any object in between it deflects and the deviation causes many distortions to what we see in the space. It is interesting to note that any thing that possesses mass can serve like a lens. It need not emit light on its own. Four consequences of gravitational lensing are identified. They are: 1.Change of Position, 2. Magnification and Demagnification, 3.Deformation, 4. Multiplication. The perceptible location of star or galaxy changes because of the deflection of gravitational light Secondly, it is also possible to see the magnification of brightness of a star or quasar because of the deflection of light. Sometimes the light demagnifies. Thirdly, galaxies can appear long-drawn-out into arcs or bananas because of the deflection of light. Finally, the multiple images are the result of strong gravitational lensing. How Lensing Works The gravitational –lens system has three components embedded in the space. The distance source of light, an intervening mass that acts as a lens and an observer on the earth are the three which form a straight line. The distant source of light could be a star, quasar, or galaxy. The intervening mass that acts as a lens can be anything from a planet to a black hole. Light travels through the shortest distance, and it need not be a straight line always. Sometimes it can travel through a curve as well. The light bends when it reaches the curved space near a cosmic body. The degree of deflection depends on how close the rays get tot the body and on the mass of the body. The deflect ion angle is directly proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the closest distance. Gravitational lenses are different from ordinary lenses in many ways. The ordinary lenses have a well-defined focal point whereas the gravitational varieties produce focal lines or surfaces. The typical gravitational lens also causes light rays to experience smaller deflections. The gravitational lensing is achromatic. When the lens system is asymmetric, i.e. when source, lens and observer are not in alignment, the lens has an oblong mass distribution – and the resulting ring breaks up into discrete variegated images. The lens magnifies different parts of the source by different amounts and the highest magnification occurs at caustic. When the alignment is very far off or the lens mass distribution is very spread out, the lensing is very weak. With the discovery of double quasar Q0957+ 561 gravitational lensing became an observable science. So far 64 double, triple and multiple quasars have been found. The CLASS (Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey) project has mapped more than 10,000 radio sources and 17 multiply imaged systems. To identify whether it is real quasar or an illusion, observes have developed a checklist. They see whether the quasars lie at the same distance, whether their spectra is similar, whether there is any potential lens between the observer and the quasar and whether the brightness of each quasar fluctuates in the same way. When the galaxy lens is spherical it can distribute the light of background quasar or galaxy into a ring or circle called Einstein ring. About a dozen such rings are found. The important application of quasar lensing is to measure Hubble constant, which is a measure of size and expansion rate of universe. Multiple quasars can give insight into cosmological parameter called cosmological constant. It is essential to explain why the expansion of universe appears to be accelerating. The more is the expansion accelerated, the bigger the volume of space. Cosmological constant can not be more than 62 percent of the energy density of the universe. If the density is more, there could be more number of quasars. It supports smaller values of the cosmological constant. Quasars are unsteady by their nature and they tend to brighten and then dim on their own. Â  To distinguish microlensing fluctuations and intrinsic variability astronomers monitor multiple quasar systems. Â  In 1989 astronomers confirmed five multiple quasar systems. They conclude that innermost parts of quasar are hotter and bluer than outer parts. If lens is not single galaxy, but a cluster of galaxies then the image can be a kaleidoscope of strongly distorted arcs and arc lets. Studies on clusters of galaxies reveal that clusters are dominated by unseen dark matter. On an extremely large scale, the vast galaxy clusters of matter tend to be powerful lens. The wide spread shearing of galaxy images support the view that universe is giant cobweb of matter interspersed with voids. The article also focuses on MACHOs and Extra solar planets. MACHOs are collection of rogue planets, dead stars or black holes. However research says that the entire dark matter cannot be made entirely of MACHO. It also notes that stellar mass black holes may cause microlensing events. Stellar microlensing can even detect planets and the extra burst of brightening that might have been caused by planet candidates. Thus, the article ‘Gravity’s Kaleidoscope’ narrates interestingly how the study of illusions can lead us to the discovery of truth relating to celestial bodies in the universe.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparative Coverage of Women Issues in Elite Press

Comparative Coverage of Women Issues in Elite Press Comparative Coverage of women Issues in Elite Press of Pakistan, India Bangladesh Key Words: Mass Media, Print Media, portrayal, Women, Issues, treatment, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Elite Press, Visual, Textual, Analysis Introduction We are living in the twenty-first century and it is a heart-throbbing fact that still most of the sections of our society do not realize the importance of women in the socio-economic fabric. It would be deplorable if the status and the role of women were not appropriately perceived, since women are a part of society and share work and responsibility. Therefore, it is indispensable to upgrade the depiction of women and to strengthen the informational role of the media. Butt Mourion (1996) says that media are one of the modern ways to maintain and promote ideology and to relate it to the national needs, but also adds that to do this promotion, a grand number of projects and actions are required constantly by the state and the people as well. Media is playing vital role in dissemination of information, shaping and reshaping the perception and public views. The mass media have an essential role reporting wrong doing following up remedial action, mobilizing public opinion, brining about social change and highlighting positive developments. In fact, media and women issues coverage important topic in every era. The study is focused to analyze the visual and textual presentation of the women related news regarding social, economical and political issues in the elite press of major countries of South Asia which includes Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. The study is important because before partition of the subcontinent these three countries enjoyed the status of united India. So these countries are having similar roots sharing common norms, values and society. In this study researcher is going to analyze the women issues in major newspapers of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh which include topics of news stories, tone of covered news, location of news stories in newspaper and amount of space is given to news. Through these aspects researcher will analyze whether the print media portrayal women image positive, negative or neutrally Media The life styles, socialization patterns, participation levels, cultural boundaries, political maneuverings, religious manifestations, educational standards, social hierarchy, and images of society these all sectors that influence by the media content (Sharma, 2005). The media is a vehicle used to inform as well as entertain the public. The media is a carrier of information, ideas, thoughts and opinions. It is a powerful force in influencing people perceptions on a variety of issues. Print media is oldest medium that educate, inform and entertain the people. In modern society is mass media responsible for construction and consumption of social knowledge and their meanings that use people make a sense abut world and act as social reality accordingly. Print media plays an important role in influencing public opinions and setting agenda for what is constructed as news. The print media which include newspapers, periodicals, newsletters and other channels are relied upon by the people as c redible source of information, education and entertainment. The print media are known for fearless criticism and service. The print media or newspaper is consists of current affairs news, articles, features, advertising. Newspaper normally publishes stories on local, national and international politics issues, entertainment, society, business, technology, education, agriculture, sports etc. Also editorials, columns and letter to editors on current issues publish in newspaper on particular pages. Print media started in these three countries with the Independence Day but some news papers were running before the partition such as Dawn, Nawa I Waqt and Jang (Pakistan) The Hindustan Times, The Times of India and Dainik Jagran (India) and The Daily Star. Women Women are an integral part of our society, and cannot be ignored due to less power and authority. They are created using the need for men and men, presenting them with a companion in the course of life. Although women are significantly in all areas of life, the long list of people in the treatment seems to be never ending. There is no denying the fact that in todays society, where women are still mostly male, is dominated by pine from the inferior place to put side-by-side with men because of social and stick are typically held social values. In fact, womens position in any of the countries varies according to the categories, regions, and rural and urban distribution unequal socio-economic development and the impact of tribal, feudal, and capitalist social formations on womens lives. Today Pakistani women have a better position than most of other Muslim women. However, on an average, the womens situation vis-Ã  -vis men are one of systemicgender subordination. However, awareness among Pakistani women to expand the educational opportunities increased from past few years. According to the United Nations development index, Pakistani women are better in gender equality, as women in India and Bangladesh. However women condition in India is worst as compared to other development countries majority of Indian population consist of female. Today average female life expectancy today in India in contrast to many others countries is below the standard line (Nautiyal Dabral, 2012). Majority of women deprived the basic facility of life such as food, health and education in India and also socially women life in India very terrible. Indian society gives the more dominancy and importance to male in any walk of life as well as male social development. The status of women in Bangladesh is defined as an ongoing gender battle, the prevailing political tide, who favors restricting the rights of women in the Islamic patriarchal patterns, and activism. The Bangladesh socio-cultural environment provides comprehensive gender inequity so that girls and women face many obstacles in their development. The girls are often considered the financial burden on the family, and since birth, they receive less investment in health, health care and education (UNICEF, 2007). In Bangladesh, women have made huge gains since the country gained independence in 1971. In the past four decades have seen increased political influence for women, better employment prospects, improving training and new laws protect their rights. Many of the women working in the States and other key positions but in issues like family violence, acid burning and rape are still persist. Media and Women The media portrayal both positive as well as negative issues of women as well as a powerful mechanism. Although the media has played an important role in highlighting womens issues, it has also had negative impact, in terms of perpetrating violence against women through pornography and images of women as a female body that can be bought and sold. (Sharma, 2005) the trend is increasing in media to represent women as victims are more alarming. Media reflects in its content the pattern of value in any society. According to (Sharma, 2005) for the purpose of promoting and disseminating information media play an important role and also it is main role in development of women in social and economic sectors. The way subjects dealing with women are treated indicated to a great extent the prevailing attitude of the society towards women. Everywhere the potential exists for the media to make a far greater contribution to the advancement of women. More women are involved in careers in the commun ications sector, but few have attained positions at the decision-making level or serve on governing boards and bodies that influence media policy. Womens appearance in sensational news stories such as glamour, sex, domestic violence and other forms of violence are still prominent (Nautiyal Dabral, 2012). Portrayal of women in the media is mostly unfair and imbalanced. They are under-represented which falsely implies that men are the cultural standard and women’s role in the social life is unimportant or negligible. Women are portrayed stereotypically that reflect and sustain socially endorsed views of gender. Their presentation in the media does not conform to their real role in the society. According to Patel (1995) the mainstream media like print more highlight the women physical body image side by side along stereotyped sexist images and the back page pin ups. She observed that one of the reasons for projection of patriarchal image of the society is disproportionate number of men in the key positions in media. As to the qualitative aspect of portrayal of women in the media that they are generally portrayed as unthinking, dependent and submissive beings with reproduction as their fundamental role. Women are either portrayed as ideal or deviant. Their real life feelings and b ehaviors are rarely depicted on screen. She is shown more in fantasy roles than her real life. Common woman in the society finds it hard to relate herself to the depiction of females in the media. The negative portrayal of women in the media not only does not correspond with the reality but also leads to promote unhealthy and harmful traits among the public. Statement of the Problem Press is prognostic the women in a totally immoral way according to society values in news. While these types of news became the sources of spreading obscenity, western style, trends and personalities are being highlighted quite indecently. The news about scandals, rapes, pregnancy, fashion shows, show-biz and private matters of wife and husband are being over played instead of the women development and social progress. The photographs related to these news are nude, and below the standards of morality. Newspapers are more focusing the sexual crimes are being highlighted in which women are badly humiliated. In fact, film stars and celebrities’ news are being accommodated as commodities. Hypothesis Whether or not Pakistani, Indian and Bangladesh press portray women as commodities? Whether or not Pakistani, Indian and Bangladesh press treating women issues in real sense and focusing social development? Whether or not Pakistani, Indian and Bangladesh press portray women issues as sensational news? Objectives of the Study The objectives of this research, which can be specified on the spot to find the answer the following questions as below: To analyze representation of women in selected newspaper of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. To examine the quality of the women related news published in selected newspapers. To find out the selected issues related to women that are discussed subject matter or not. To understand whether or not women related news are treated as traditional approach in selected newspapers. To check the nature/style of news related to women issues in selected newspapers. To understand print media reporting patterns are favorable/ unfavorable towards women Printmediaportraystereotypicalimageof womeninnewsstories Nautiyal Dabral (2012) The journals are mostly qualified for modern society and could be said to be positively harmful to the development of women as conscious individuals aware of themselves and aware of the society around them. If a woman wins a beauty contest, magazines or newspapers in particular give much importance to the news and even take her photographs on cover page but, at the same time if a woman gets the Nobel Prize she gets limited coverage. Here the difference of judgment in womens issues is quite marked in our media. Similarly the daily newspapers rarely put womens news and their development. Rather they prefer reporting on rape, atrocities, crime, sexual harassment and abuse of women prominently in their columns. UNICEF, State of the World’s Children: The Double Dividend of Gender Equality, 2007 Mariam S. Pal (2000).Women in Pakistan: Country Briefing Paper. Asian Development Bank.ISBN971-561-297-0. Pakistan: Status of Women the Womens Movement. 28 July 2001. Retrieved 2012-01-24. Women Education in Pakistan. 17 December 2011. Retrieved 2012-01-24. Jump up^

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Act (Amendment) of 1918 Essay

Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Act (Amendment) of 1918   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On April 2nd 1917, President Woodrow Wilson of the United States of America, went before Congress and called for a declaration of war. Both the House and the Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of going to war with Germany.?# This was an act that led to much resistance among the American people. Not four months earlier the American people re-elected President Wilson, partly because of his success in keeping the United States out of this European war. However, a series of events, such as the Germans continuing submarine warfare and the attacks on five American ships, led President Wilson to sever diplomatic relations with Germany and send the United States into what would be labeled as World War I. As a result of the war the government enacted the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 which led to the suppression of anti-war documents and sentiments, as well as the prosecution of over two-thousand individuals.#   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite earlier resistance to the war by the American people, once war was declared patriotism swept over the nation. However, patriotism rose to it?s peak and quickly turned to an intolerance for any kind of dissidence of the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With a general intolerance for opponents of the war the government began to repress groups advocating against the war, as did private organizations. One such organization created to suppress anti-war ideals was the Committee on Public Information (CPI). CPI was put in place to provide trustworthy information to the public, as well as stifle any misleading wartime rumors. However, the CPI ended up creating propaganda for the government to distort the views of the American people and worked to destroy and discredit all those who opposed the government?s ideology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?The effect of such incessant propaganda was to promote hysterical hatred of all things German.?# Any individual who had the audacity to speak against the war was assaulted either verbal or physically, and on many occasions murdered.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the ideals of the government on the war growing in the nation, Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917. After a joint session of Congress, where President Wilson reported on relations with Germany, the first of three bills that would create the Espionage Act of 1917, was introduced. The Congr... ...istory.? 2002. PageWise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (22   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  November 2004). ?Espionage.? 2000-2004. The War to End All Wars. Michael   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Duffy. Original Material. Primary Documents Online.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (22   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  November 2004). ?Clear and Present Danger? Test. 2004. Exploring   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Constitutional Conflicts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (22 November 2004). ?The U.S. Sedition Act.? 1996. World War I Document Archive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (22 November 2004). ?The Sedition Act of 1918.? 2003. (22 November 2004). ?Espionage Act.? 2004. Education on the Internet & Teaching   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  History Online.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (22   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  November 2004). Stone, Geoffrey. Judge Learned Hand and The Espionage Act   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of 1917: A Mystery Unraveled. Schenck v. United States; Baer v. United States. Essential   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Documents in American History. 1919. Essential   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Documents. ?The Sedition Act of 1918.? 1918. From The United States   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Statues at Large.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (22 November 2004). ?Text of The Sedition Act.? 2004. Wikipedia, the Free   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Encyclopedia. (22 November   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2004). ?The Wilson Administration.? 2002. U.S.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (22 November   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2004). Zinn, Howard. Progressive. May (2004). 16-20.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?Opposing the War Party?.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparative Essy

Ferdowsi Tus' Hakim Abul-Qasim Ferdowsi is a well-known Persian poet who lived a life that will forever be told as a heroic tale. Ferdowsi created one of the most significant literary works of Iran called the Shahnameh. By generating this national epic, Ferdowsi displayed great knowledge of the ancient legends of Persia and has passed down these historic stories to modern Persians today. Ferdowsi (940- 1020Ad) was born in Tus, a small town in North Eastern Iran, into a amily of landowners.Due to the fact that they were wealthy enough to be independent, he was expected to peruse extensive goals and high successes. However, he chose to do what he loved and perused writing poetry. He was married to a musician and has a son, who died at the age of thirty-seven, and a daughter who helped him though the tragic loss. Ferdowsi began to write his masterpiece at about the age of forty, by collecting a millennium of old oral traditions of the Iranian lateau, into heroic verses.The Shahnameh, al so known as â€Å"The Book of Kings†, is the most seminal of literary Persian works in the tenth century. Containing over fifty- thousand verses, which is arguably the longest poem written by a single poet, The Shahnameh narrates the history of Persia from its creation, through to the Arab invasion, and is structured according to the mythical and historical reign of fifty Persian Kings. Mainly, one of the Epic's most significant themes is the nature of ingship, where Ferdowsi emphasises the divine approval of Iran's rulers, including God's will over other countries.The Epic also highlights the malicious nature of the universe, and ones destiny. Through the actions of the heroes, it inspects the immorality of righteous actions. This epic allows readers to visualize the issues that took place in Persia and informs them of Persian culture before it was changed into something different. In addition, the Shahnameh plays a crucial role in shaping the literary state, both poetic and historical

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Disadvantages of Part-Time Job

the development and the expansion of the economic system, there are more and more options for students to obtain part time jobs. There are numberous reasons that students should experient some part time jobs, however the negative effects should be considered, too. Look on the bright side, as Miss Lan Phuong said above, we will harvest many things via working such as finance, chance to more mature, widen the relationship, and better understanding our self.However, it doesn’t mean that all the students should immediately get out of the house and get a job, there are some disadvantages should be considered: studying and health. Firstly, opponents of students taking part time job insist that such these students will face a decline in our studies. We have 24 hours per day, however, vast of boys and girls who work were being affected by the lack of time. Because it will occupy student’s precious time for college work, we will have no longer time to finish homework assigned by teachers or widden our knowledge through reading books.Consequently, we will fall behind the class schedule. In other word, if we don’t know how to banlance and manage time, we will receive a bad study results. The most important tasks we have to remember is studying. Secondly, studying in university and taking part time job take us most time of day, we will always busy and feel exhausted because each day we have the defined amount of energy. After attending class for most of the day, we do research for projects and do homework.Naturally, we don’t have enough 8 hours to sleep, which lead to being sick. In conclusion, each coin has two sides, although having part time job can lead students to get in touch with some disadvantages, it is still necessary for us to learn much more than only theories from books and universities because it takes important role in helping us engage in the future. Just only make sure if we totally understand what we are doing and know how to b alance between working and studying well.

Chapter 12 Discussion Questions

Chapter 12 Discussion Questions 1-5 Dan Yohe 1. Approximatley how far ahead would one need to plan for the following types of facilities? A. Restaurant-At least one to three nights in advance. You could go to the farmers market to get fresh vegetables but you may only be able to get staples/necessities once or twice a week. B. Hospital-I would say at least a week if not a month to be enough to take care of all the patients they might get. C. Oil refinery-An oil refinery I would have to say would need to plan for a weekly possibly monthly schedule. D. Toy factory-I would say a daily maybe weekly schedule to keep up with deamand.E. Public school-I would say based on what I have heard while I was in school that they would have to plan for a monthly schedule. F. Electric power plant-Daily would be my guess to provide power at all times, as well as monthly to bill customers for their services. G. Private school-I would think that they do the same thing that a public school would do most l ikely a monthly schedule. 2. What problems are created by simultaneously considering the capacity questions of how much, how large, where, when, and what type? The facilities decisions are exceedingly complex and extremely difficult to analyze.When these problems are lumped together simultaneously it creates very complex forecasting problems and errors trying to break down data. 3. A school district has forecast student enrollment for several years into the future and predicts excess capacity for 2000 students. The school board says that the only alternative is to close the school. Evaluate. The school board in this scenario is being rash. I think that the school could be opened and run at capacity. They could add on to the school and rent mobile trailers to teach kids in while the additions are being completed.There is a way that this could be dealt with in a way that everyone wins. Closing the school is a worst case scenario and could devastate a community and ruin kid’s ch ances at a shot at a good education. 4. Why are facilities decisions often made by top management? What is the role in these decisions of operations, marketing, finance, accounting, engineering, and human resources. They are made by top management because they have all the information and follow all of the trends of the latest business decisions. The top management people have all of the marketing department information, finances of the company.Accounting sends all the vital information needed to influence specific decisions that management might make. Engineering and human resources do the job that top management assigns them to do. Human resources hires and enforces rules. Engineering does all the assignments that top management assigns them. 5. In what ways does corporate strategy affect capacity decisions? Corporate strategy affects capacity decisions by devising plans to make decisions by coming up with goals to meet budgetary and profitary requirements. Based on all of the inf ormation they can come up with they apply it all and come up with a way to market their product.